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Accounts & Reports
Maintain payment and invoice records online
Track all payments with built-in accounting facility
Send invoices and receipts automatically
Apply refunds and adjustments
Apply partial payments
Up-to-the-minute financial reporting
Auto-generate Revenue reports
Auto-generate Balance due reports
Auto-generate credit card reconciliation reports

Donor Data Management
Get access to an online database with unlimited storage space
Maintain records of donations, donors etc. in one place
Access records from anywhere, at anytime through a PC with an internet connection
Highest standard of security to secure your records

Report Generation
Generate reports easily with EventAvenue's Auto Report Generation facility
Generate reports in any major format - PDF, Excel, Text and XML
View event summary reports & donor lists
View transaction & reconciliation reports
Generate and access reports easily from anywhere and at anytime

Custom Reports
Generate unlimited custom reports
Generate custom reports by selecting report criteria’s
Generate reports by donation type
Use multiple filters and sorts to generate reports as per your requirements