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Donation Forms
online Donation Form
Ready-to-use customizable form
Include unlimited custom fields to collect donor information
Customize field names and make your form specific to your cause
Shorten form using check boxes, multiple choice, drop down, radio buttons, etc.
Collect all required data by making fields mandatory

Customizable Forms
Customize the form with the comprehensive range of customizing tools
Use the color palette to customize the form to match the organizations or trust's colors
Incorporate the Organizations, Trust or Cause's logo into the form
Create and upload custom animated headers and footers

Multiple Donation Options
Create donations forms for different donation options, for example, sponsor a child's education, activate primary health centers, stop child labor by helping parents gain employment etc.
Create multiple donation types per cause, for example, sponsor a child for 1 year, sponsor a child for 5 years or offer a MAHA puja or offer a Vardhapaninanimit puja online.
Create and display seperate donation structure for each cause
Create and send each donor type a customized thank you note based on the cause he donated too

Recurring Donor Tools
24 x 7 donation collection ensures individuals from all parts of the globe can donate easily
Pre-populate forms of previous donors