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Emails & Communication
Customizable Emails
Use the standard email format provided to create custom emails
Brand your emails by adding organization, trust or charity colors, logos, images etc.
Insert cause or religious service information
Include a 'donate now' link in your email
Include invoices, receipts, balances due, and donor's record
Choose dates and times to send automatic reminder emails
Create unlimited email templates
Reuse email templates

Auto Emails
Donors receive auto confirmation emails once the donation is complete
Donors receive auto-notification emails incase of incomplete donation attempts
You receive emails notifying you of new donations and incomplete donations
Keep relevant staff updated about donations by adding a secondary email addresses to notification list

Generate Reports Easily
Use EventAvenue's auto-email functionality keep in touch with past donors regular through newsletters and mailers
Appeal to different audiences by create customized emails using specialized cause specific content
Schedule newsletters and mailers to fire in advance
Include all donors from your database easily using the import feature to import multiple email ids at once