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Interactive Floor Plan
Stall Management
View floor plan with current status
- Stall's sold
- Stall's available
- Stall's reserved
View sales updates in real time
Click on reserved stall’s to view exhibitor waiting list
Search by stand number or exhibitor name, stand area, stand price

Organizer Administrative Management
Manage stand configurations
Extend periods for reserve state
View exhibitor waiting list
View bookings and their payment status
Re-book stalls on behalf of an exhibitor
Manage stall prices
Manage display settings on the floor plan and exhibitor directory
View floor plan with complete status, similar to the sales view
View all accounting reports

Exhibitor Tools
The exhibitor can add/edit information like Company, address, contact details, Country and Industry sector
The exhibitor can edit account settings
The exhibitor can shortlist stalls and add them to cart
The exhibitor can confirm reservation and automatically reserve stalls for a pre-configured period of days
The exhibitor can view reserved stalls on the pre-booking screen
The exhibitor can view stalls that are in waiting list
The exhibitor can select stalls and generate a draft contract online
The exhibitor can update draft contract with reference details and create the contract
The exhibitor can contracts stalls appear as sold in the database
The exhibitor can remittance advice is available online for clearing payments
Contracts can be cancelled and the contracted stalls revert back to reserved status

Visitor Tools
View floor plan with exhibitor names and their profile on your website
Search floor plan exhibitor name and number
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